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Welcome to Relentless PR’s first blog post!

Today were going to dig into a day in the life! I will be discussing how I interact with digital media and social media. My day to do primarily revolves around a handful of websites and apps. My primary site is definitely my SNHU home page, frequently checking in on assignments and reading materials for my given courses at the time. With all the resources available on the site I spend a lot of time there. My primary app however is definitely a tie between my Outlook and Pokemon Go, I am constantly checking emails since I keep notifications off on my phone for the most part. When looking into my outlook I am searching for communications from one of my business contacts but I more often see communications from merchants. Always sending promotions and advertisements that get my attention having a big family means being smart about where my money goes. Finding those deals and chances to really get the most bang for our buck. I don’t really engage with social media in the forms of Facebook, Instagram, or Tik Tok presently but that will be soon to change as I take steps to further grow my business and create further outreach. The two social media outlets I regularly utilize are Linked in and Discord. I use LinkedIn to keep in contact with my business associates and participate in learning and certification courses offered by LinkedIn and I utilize discord to stay in the loop with my Pokemon Go community. Digital media is a crown jewel of communications that the world has never seen before, the adoption of the internet connecting us globally at lightning speed means we can reach our audience scattered the world over. Having that ability for companies to be in touch creates a broader fan base and garners far more attention than advertisements through mail or ads in the newspaper ever could. Digital media is a boundless expanse for us to capitalize and utilize for our businesses to turn a profit and having that power at your fingertips can make you a titan of industry.